© Piet Vranckx

Dirk Pauwels

Both the atelier and the waiting list are full. You will surely find something you like in one of the other ateliers!
For several years now, theater maker Dirk Pauwels has been leading the writing studio of Villa Voortman, a place in Ghent where people with a dual diagnosis (mental vulnerability and addiction problems) come together. This has led to two impressive publications, the most recent of which, When I'm silent, then I hear you, was introduced with beautiful words by Stefan Hermans.
Based on that experience, he and a group of people who love to write will look for unconventional methods during the Summer Academy to create exciting texts, playful and adventurous, without the urge for virtuosity. Collectively and individually, especially with a lot of pleasure in writing, vulnerable too.
Writing experience is certainly not an issue, because what is known and known is less interesting than a sudden dive into the unknown. Collective writing is first and foremost an exciting encounter with a pen at the ready.
Max. 10 Participants
Meet the Coach!
Dirk Pauwels is a visual artist and was involved in various Ghent theater movements in the 1960s. In the 70s and 80s he formed the theater company Radeis together with Josse De Pauw and Pat Van Hemelrijck.
In 1984 he was the initiator and first artistic director of the Nieuwpoorttheater. In 1992 he transformed Oud Huis Stekelbees into Victoria, before merging both companies into CAMPO in 2008, of which he was artistic director until 2012. Since then he has been an autonomous artist, mentor and initiator of small artistic events.
Dirk wrote the text collection Er zit een Haai in de Boter in 2017 and was also curator of Theater aan Zee that same year. He received the Thalia Prize for general cultural merit and the Cultural Prize of the city of Ghent.